Thursday, March 29, 2012

chaotic mess and artistic funk

     I came across this and paused, then I looked a little harder.  I'm guessing this chaotic mess reflects my emotional state of late.  Anger, frustration, artistic funk, lack of motivation.  'Course, part of this is due to work starting to crank up the overtime again but I won't bore you with the details.  I would, however, like to apologize for not making my normal blogging rounds lately.

     Although I'm identifying more with this in the present I think this was actually completed back in October or thereabouts.  This shares a sandwich background with emergence and is the flip side of paleBleak just to give you a bit of creation trivia.  Well, it's getting late and I need to get my butt to bed.  Thanks for stopping by, you guys are the best.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

vagina you, vagina me


     I have no idea what this is or what I was feeling when I was drawing it.  Not a fuckin' clue.

Monday, March 12, 2012

a bird in my hair is worth two in your bush

     This was painted on the reverse side of this.  If I keep this up I'll have to make a bunch of double sided rotating frames to display a lot of my original works.

     Meh.  Still fighting with this laziness so I'll stop here.  Thanks for taking a look.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't miss out! NIBMM this Saturday!

     We've done it before and we're doing it again!  This Saturday, March 10th, The #BadNetflix Crew is back in action, breaking bad with the movies we watch, the booze we drink and the whacked out comments we make!  Join us, dammit!  The world is going to end this year and do you really want to go to your grave having never experienced a NIBMM?  Well, do you!?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

branch face and laziness

     Painted during the same session as this guy, I was originally going to post this back in October but I ended up with so many other works that month that this one got passed over again and again.  Anyway, better late than never.  Plus I am SO FUCKING LAZY today and this was already scanned and ready to go.  Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.