Here's my list o' links that bring me much joy:
A.D. Art: Aquilus Domini is a self-taught artist who also enjoys photography. He is always willing to learn and help those who may need it. All in all, I like this guy's attitude.
Art Propelled: Robyn Gordon always offers a fresh and inspiring perspective on a wide variety of artforms. I admire her positivism and enthusiasm for the art world in general.
Artistic Dreamer: Gina Mitsdarfer does her art on the side while earning her living in a decidedly non-artistic profession. I so identify with that.
Cup3Tint3 (or Dark Colors): v3l3nomortale (or "Deadly Poison" if Google translator is correct) has an excellent eye for art and the world at large. I make an effort to visit as often as I can. To say that I am extremely flattered that he decided to follow my blog is an amazing understatement. He's also active on Tumblr.
foothead: Daniel Foothead is an inspiration to me. Following his artwork from simple line drawings to the vivid, surrealistic paintings he's completing nowadays really gives me hope and goals to shoot for in my own artwork.
Horror Blogger Alliance: If your interests fall anywhere into the horror genre this is where you need to be. This is an excellent community to get in touch with like-minded individuals or to just hang out and enjoy the friendly atmosphere.
Your independent source for everything bad. Catch yourself a fatal dose of Gable-itis and you'll never be the same! Gable's undeniable enthusiasm will sweep you away as he revels in the worst that movies, books, the Internet and Charles Band has to offer. Mi amigo and partner in crime, Mr. Gable.
ROUBLE RUST: Rouble's artwork throws me into a dream-like state, as she captures that feel very well in her paintings. Self-taught and quite talented, her artwork always makes me pause.
My wife and passionate movie buff. Stacia always offers insightful, entertaining perspectives on the world of film, from silents and pre-codes to cheesy 80's fair and fucked up Italian horror. With great screencaps and hard to find photos, She Blogged By Night is always worth your time.
Slash The Zombie: Zombie Rust's art blog. His art speaks for itself. Stop on by, you won't be disappointed.
Small Expectations: Jamie Shelman's expressive cat drawings always make me smile. The deceptively simple style and skillful use of line is quite admirable.
technoknob: Stacia's personal blog. With random updates about society, pop culture, boobies and whatever strikes her fancy at the moment, technoknob is always an interesting read.
The Art of Michael Scholl: Much like myself, Michael is in the process of getting reacquainted with his art. I share and identify with his process of discovery and quest for a defining style.