Monday, January 17, 2011

lennon fire and overtime

     The question this image raises in my mind is this:  If you set John Lennon on fire how long would he burn?  I dunno, folks, that's just the way my mind is working right now.

     I actually sat my ass down today and done did me some art.  Got me a cheapo, slanted drawing board type thing off the Ebay and I think it helps with the ol' neck strain.  Also got my first work completed for the Octoberween-Palooza-Ganza!  I'm actually surprised my spirits are as good as they are considering my place of employment is working Saturdays all fucking month with threats of Sundays if they don't get enough volunteers.  It's a goddamned, motherfucking pleasure living in a Right To Work state.  Oh well, we need the cash.

     Well, I'll sign off now.  My postings might be a bit sporadic this month, considering, so bear with me.


  1. This is a fab piece.

    I bought an easel thingy recently myself. It is kid sized so I can be truly lazy and sit while I work.


  2. You saw Lennon on TCM last night, didn't you? His movie "How I Won the War" was on right after the movie I was watching, at any rate. If TCM had been showing "The Fortune Cookie" you'd be asking how long it would take for Jack Lemmon to burn. I'm totally psycho I mean psychic so I know this is fact.

  3. I LOVE THIS! Lennon on fire AH Hahahahaha

  4. Now I can't get a burning Jack Lemmon out of my brain.

    Those beady eyes are menacing! Something needs to be done with those teeth, though. I'll cut some slack since we're talking about a Brit.

    Sorry to hear about your crappy work schedule. That sucks. I hope you bring home extra dough though.

  5. OH! and you should totally draw the Mangina vs Cockasaurus poster art :D

  6. Thanks, everyone : )

    Heh, I would pay CASH MONEY to see Jack Lemmon on fire! Or Richard Dreyfus. Or Michael J. Fox. They all panic so well. CALL 911! CALL 911!

    And I may have to take up the Mangina/Cockasaurus challenge. After all it is subject matter that's right up my alley : >
