Monday, January 3, 2011

may you have a banner year!

     By request, I have made some banners to ring in the new year!  Feel free to yoink these and display them proudly in your sidebar as a symbol of your questionable taste in art.  If you have a banner you'd like to throw my way just let me know and I'll include it on my links page, which could definitely use some sprucing up.

     Oh my dear, 2011.  May you not suck big, hairy donkey dicks.


  1. YES! This is just what I needed. Thanks!

  2. You're quite welcome. It was a bit slow-going at first, but once I got the idea to crop the eyes it all fell into place!

  3. Yes, here's hoping for a non-sucky 2011 for all of us.

    My 1st goal of this new year will be to challenge my shitty technological skills by trying to figure out how to display one of your banners on my sidebar. Not kidding. Technology and I have a tumultuous relationship. I remember back in college typing a 20 page paper on a typewriter instead of going to the "computer lab" (early years, mind you-you know what I'm talking about). When the 99th person asked me why I wasn't using a "word processor" I said something like, "Meh, Those computer things will never last". Yeah, I said that.

  4. KATN: In your dashboard click on the design tab...and from there you should see a design of your blog and you can add "gadgets", just click that and then find the picture gadget, add that...then it'll ask you to upload a picture, what you want to call it, and if you want to link that picture to a url. Any other questions, lemme know. Or Vincent...he seems to know more about these things.

  5. Update: Banner mission accomplished! All by myself! Thanks though, Mr. G.

  6. Hi Vincent I've stuck one on my blog with a link back to here. Hope it brings you some nice visitors with not so nice imaginations.

    Good luck mate.

