Tuesday, August 16, 2011

bloody eyes

     Here's more watercolor experimentation.  I seem to be enjoying the thick lines lately.  With this one I tried to make the eyes all swirly, swampy, murky, bloody.  They looked A LOT better when wet, but then again most things do.  Enjoy.


  1. I was reading this comic called "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" where this guy goes to Johnny's house asking questions for a survey after there was a string of murders in the area. Johnny gives very intelligent and thoughout answers until the guy is all like "Whew, I was really worried coming in here at first but you're actually really cool, there's no way you could have killed that little girl" and Johnny picks up a machete and points it at a wall covered in blood and shouts, "I had no choice! I NEEDED IT! It changes color when it dries!!!!"

    HAHAHAHAHA Your statement there about things looking better when wet reminded me of that.

  2. Johnny sounds awesome. A true artist of his chosen medium of blood splatters. Sort of a gory Jackson Pollock!

  3. I love how sparse it is in comparison to a lot of your work. Sparse isn't really the word I'm looking for, but you get my drift.

  4. I like this little guy. He is gleeful.
    btw- YAY wet things!
