Friday, April 15, 2011

time waits for no one, it passes you by!

     Some more brush marker experimentation.  This is primarily my Crayolas with some black highlights from other random markers.  Been enjoying the wavy hair lately.

     Man, these weeks have been going by fast.  I must be getting older, time seems to fly more.


  1. This looks like some insanity you'd find in a Raimi movie! Well done my friend.

    And I agree with the whole time thing. My days are whipping by. It's like I'm floating over the calendar and ticking off the days. Soon I'll be flying over the year...and the decade. It needs to fucking stop. I have TOO MANY BAD MOVIES TO WATCH.

  2. Okay, we need to stop sharing a brain here (I guess it makes sense, the both of us being half-wits lol).

    I revisited the entire Evil Dead trilogy last month and to say it wormed its way back into my brain is an understatement. So, yeah, Raimi influences... DEFINITELY.
