I know for a while there things were up and down and not working quite right but a reasonable amount of stability has finally been achieved and the good news is you can get updates via your Blogger dashboard. All you have to do is add my new site to your reading list. I don't know how to do it with the new fucked-up Blogger interface but if you switch back to the old interface (while you still can) you can manually add my site to your reading list from your Dashboard using the "ADD" button right next to the "MANAGE" button at the bottom of your blog list. Just use: http://fuzzyskeletonian.com/ for the URL and you should get thumbnails and snippets from my new posts just as you would from any Blogger blog. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Anyhow, just thought I'd pass along this information to any interested parties who might have been missing my new blog in their Dashboard/RSS reader/feed. Take it easy, you crazy kids!