Sunday, October 30, 2011

bloody gore and insanity


     Does this guy look insane or what?  Not as insane as Mr. Gable's Countdown To Insanity this month but still pretty insane.  This painting was done earlier this year and I must say I'm rather proud of the brain matter on this dude.  I had initially painted blood vessels and was going to lay the red on top of them and allow them to bleed through.  I was working rather wet and they not only bled through but they simply became dark swirls amidst the red paint.  This ended up being a pretty happy accident, as I was able to manipulate the swirls into what you see now.  Makes for a pretty gory effect and I couldn't be more pleased!  I'll have to do this on purpose in the future when I want more bloody bloody gore gore.

     Well the month is winding to a close and so far I have only one person officially eligible for the giveaway.  I know it's been a busy this month for everyone but you still have time to complete your entry into the giveaway.  As long as your blog post is dated no later than October 31st it qualifies, and I'm not going to be a Nazi about the quality of your content.  You can just post a picture of candy corn and type "Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me a free Fuzzy Skeletonian and Vincent's an asshole for making me do this!"  Seriously, folks.  It's that easy.

     Tune in tomorrow and I will share a nightmare with you.


  1. Love the swirly brain! Yes, he definitely looks insane.

    I just emailed you a bit ago - finally got around to writing my OPG post. Sorry it took me so long. The month got away from me.

  2. Me too... just squeaked my post in!

    Best to you on the eve of all hallow's eve!


  3. Yep, that's pretty close to what my eyes are doing right now. HAHAHAHA

    Love this pic, it's awesome.
